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About Us

Umuada Igbo Foundation International Inc. (UIFI) is an Illinois based 501-C-3 organization formed in 2012 by a group of Nigerian women in Diaspora for the purpose of promoting peace, unity, and culturally sensitive family values.

The organization was formed out of the passion among these women to promote programs that will foster peace, unity, love, and global good citizenship among people of African descent in the Diaspora.


Our mission is to ensure the legacy of Igbo culture, traditions and values, by creating awareness and understanding of our culturally sensitive family values among our people especially our youths in diaspora and by securing a Civic Center where information, teaching and learning will be provided.


Part of our vision is to assist under -privileged women and children from Africa in adapting to life in the United States. This includes assistance in connecting them with relevant social service programs, and where applicable, assistance with identifying programs that teach English as a new language.